Fresh Thoughts

Thank you, friends.

Thank you, friends.

This past week (January 7) marked 6 months from our launch date, and almost three years from idea to business with products to sell. As a young company, you learn so much so fast—especially that nothing great is done alone. Besides realizing the importance of delegation, and that as a small team we simply can’t do everything, we have loved including friends new and old as collaborators to take Bruce & Olive from concept to reality. That’s actually our favorite part: working hand in hand with the talented Austin community (and our community coast to coast!). Since its 2017 ideation to...

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How to dress for fall in Austin

How to dress for fall in Austin

The first day of fall hit us last week, and while the rest of the U.S. may have felt a chill in the air, the only thing Austin really noticed was that maybe the sun wasn’t as high at the pool at 5pm as it was in August. The equinox may mark the start of a new season, but in central Texas, it’s really just about the length of the days. The lingering heat means that dressing for fall in Austin is similar to dressing for summer in Austin, but with a few caveats.  For anyone who’s traveling into town...

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